Friday, November 12, 2010

The Objectives of Elearning Research and Study

One of the main reasons why e-learning has been slow growth in the past is the lack of research in the field. The e-learning industry has been recognized as a branch of modern science of pedagogy and has been accepted by the scientific community. The study of various management systems of e-learning has been studied through a series of theoretical and methodological conventions ranging from education, psychology and computer communications, computing and design and media communication. As you can see, these are interdisciplinary learning science and may well be each other at some point in their studies. So to make clear to any beginner, you must first determine the objectives of virtual learning.  

Virtual Learning ObjectivesWhy should be studied e-learning? The objectives of the online learning theory and practice are relatively very direct and concise: to produce and evaluate innovations to bring comfort to users in absorbing knowledge from it. More specifically, the specific objectives of e-learning can be classified into four: production theories to explain the processes in e-learning, develop tools and software applicable to this theory, understand the different materials, assignments, lesson plans, discussion and other non-technical elements of e-learning environment and, finally, to an integrated module with a model of efficient design that allows the improvement of learning interventions.  

HypothesesElectronic learning theories may overlap or interleave with other categories of theories used in other sciences. For example, a theory in psychology can explain how different people learn in general and the number of interfaces can alter individual behavior in the course online. This is understandable since modern science is the result of the different sciences in general. The purpose of such is to know which view works best in different situations. The more general theory, the most applicable e-learning tool that can be produced from this theory it.GadgetsAfter adaptive learning occurs, the next step is to integrate theory to practice, or in this case, a machine. The research will help produce general tools such as specification of metadata, server software, interface design and editing programs that can be used as a practical application in a learning management system. The reason that many applications need time to improve is because developers can not simply just add new applications or add new ones, since both cybernetics and learning theories, as well as business and marketing strategies should be implemented in first. One area of e-learning research is devoted to appliances to accelerate this kind of slow and DesignsPerhaps progress.

Modules the hardest and the most common area of research of online learning is the form of modules and designs. This study area takes in most of the theories of education and psychology, and therefore common. The challenge of this is to create new theories out of the old ones must be adaptable to various aspects of e-courses. This theory of study is often mixed with the first three studies because of their knowledge and crowded the human brain and how we learn. The only way to go further in this state is the combination of all other theories learned in different ways.

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